Urgent: Special SNP conference survey

Can you quickly share your views, please?

After the SNP's showing at the UK general election, I've decided to carry out a special survey on the party's approach to independence ahead of its conference on 30 August.

Why? Well, the SNP is a key player in the independence movement and clearly has some very profound thinking to do before the next Scottish election. At such a moment, I think it's useful to know what interested people are thinking.

I'm not going to leave this survey open for very long (hence my use of the word "urgent") as I want to share the results (here and on social media) before SNP conference. Also, could I please ask you to spread the word far and wide? It's important to get as many responses as possible. 

I will also soon be sharing more findings from the original Yes We Didnae survey. It's just that the SNP one is time-limited.

Finally, I'd like to thank those people who suggested questions for this survey. They were incredibly useful in helping me design it. 

Once again, the survey is here: https://yeswedidnae.scot/snp-conference

Thank you for helping the Yes We Didnae project.

A' the best,


PS: The other day I was quoted in The National, saying why the SNP shouldn't be afraid of examining its past performances to see how it could improve. Here’s what I said: “Clearly after the election, some hard thinking needs to be done about how independence gets delivered, and an important part of that is asking questions about why we didn't cross the line in 2014.

“That doesn't have to be about apportioning blame, but it is about lessons learned. We're watching the Olympics at the moment. Every single athlete analyses their performance after the big event and works on how they could do better. I would encourage the SNP to look at it in those terms.

“How can we do better? How can we go further? What can we learn from the exercise we carried out in 2014 to help us deliver on the prize? Don't be afraid of asking questions about your performance, because that's how you get better.”